We have lost and continue to lose many of our urban and suburban trees; only one tree is planted for every four lost. Planting native trees yields many benefits, environmental, economic, social and aesthetic. Native trees are better adapted to the environment and usually longer lived than imports. We need to plant large numbers of native trees to make a difference ecologically. Planting more trees will help slow global warming; but, of course, we need to do many other things as well. We are fortunate in central Indiana to have one of the best native tree nurseries in the country, Woody Warehouse, 3216 W. 850 N. Lizton, IN 46149


To maximize the environmental benefits of trees, it is best to plant mixes of native species, large, long-lived, well adapted, hardy, broadleaf & conifer (see the list below). Some trees are particularly good for shade, windbreaks, and wildlife habitat. The best lumber, pulpwood, and firewood trees are good choices for economic benefits. Fruit and nut orchards, and mixed orchards can produce food and income.  Fast growing trees make sense if you desire quick results for shade or windbreaks for example. Endangered and rare trees, e.g., American Elm, American Chestnut, Umbrella Magnolia are good choices if you would like to make a special contribution to environmental diversity. Most people tend to plant the trees that they particularly like; my favorites are Sycamore, Tuliptrees, Bur Oak and White Pine.


Environmental benefits:
Trees add oxygen to the air, remove atmospheric carbon dioxide, clean the air of dust, particulates, ozone, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, etc.  They intercept, slow, evaporate and store water, increase groundwater supply, prevent or reduce soil erosion, reduce stormwater runoff and flooding, and reduce water pollution.  Trees provide wildlife habitats for birds, squirrels, and other animals and conserve energy by shading buildings and paved surfaces. They also dissipate heat by active evaporation from leaf surfaces.

Social benefits:
Trees block winter winds and snow and reduce "chill factor". Trees have been shown to help reduce stress and violence in cities and speed recovery of hospital patients who are able to view them.
Trees help us experience connections with our natural heritage and produce a sense of rootedness and community.

Economic benefits:
Trees provide lumber, firewood and other wood products. They provide food: nutmeats, fruit, berries, and sap for maple syrup.  Some trees provide key medicinal ingredients.  They increase property values, tax revenues. In many ways trees offer a rich inheritance for future generations.

Aesthetic  benefits:
Trees decrease noise pollution in urban areas.  They provide "white noise" of the leaves and branches in the wind. Trees provide privacy, screen unsightly views. Trees generally make life more enjoyable, peaceful, relaxing.  They freshen the atmosphere with pleasant fragrances and add beauty and grace to any setting.  They provide brilliant colors to landscapes in the fall


Common name

Latin (scientific) name
Ash, Green
Ash, White
Fraxinus americana
Beech, American
Fagus grandifolia
Birch, Paper
Betula papyrifera
Birch, Yellow
Betula alleghaniensis
Black Tupelo
Nyssa sylvatica
Cherry, Black
Prunus serotina
Cottonwood, Eastern
Populus deltoides
Elm, American
Ulmus americana
Celtis occidentalis
Tsuga canadensis
Hickory, Mockernut
Carya tomentosa
Hickory, Shagbark
Carya ovata
Larch, Eastern Tamarack
Larix laricina
Maple, Red
Acer rubrum
Maple, Sugar
Acer saccharum
Oak, Bur
Quercus macrocarpa
Oak, Chinquapin
Quercus muehlenbergii
Oak, Northern Red
Quercus rubra
Oak, Shumard
Quercus shumardii
Oak, White
Quercus alba
Carya illinoensis
Pine, Eastern White
Pinus strobes
Red Cedar, Eastern
Juniperus virginiana
Sassafras albidum
Platanus occidentalis
Liriodendron tulipifera
Walnut, Black
Juglans nigra

Selecting native tree species

Orchard trees
Planting trees

Native tree nursery

Tree seeds

Pruning guide
Urban forestry organizations


Photo guide to plants, identification resources



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